What we do

What we do

  • Holds National Shooting Events eight times a year
  • Supports Affiliated Organization and Sponsors Shooting Events
  • Recognizing National Shooting Events and Results
  • Train and Strengthen National Team
  • Examination and Follow-up Management of Shooting Equipment
  • Consulation of Importing Shooting Equipment
  • Hold Seminars to turn out outstanding coaches
  • Propaganda Enlightenment on Shooting Sports
  • Provide Installation Guidance of Shooting Venues and Recognize Shooting Venues
  • Award Outstanding Athletes
  • Participation of the Olympic Games
  • Participation of the Asian Games
  • Participation of the Asian Shooting Championships
  • Participation and host of World Cups and World Shooting Championships
  • Conduct of Oversea Training Camp
  • Participation of ISSF, ASC General Assembly and Other Meetings
  • Particpation and Conduct of Course for Judges and Coaches
  • Participation of Major International Shooting Events